Sunday, April 17, 2016

Construction Day Fun!

Last week we came back to school after spring break.  I was excited to see my kids and am so excited for the last quarter.  The end of the year is so much fun because of all the things that kindergartners can do at this time.  I decided (over spring break) that I was going to do a "construction day" when they got back.  I wanted them to be excited to be back and to have fun while they were learning.  I had so many people help us for our day.  I sent out and email asking parents if they could send in some things for us.  I also talked to some construction friends to see if we could borrow some safety vests.  Greystone borrowed me almost enough for my whole class.  I ordered hard hats and picked up some construction trucks from local stores and thrift shops.  I also had parents send some in.  I came in one night and set up our tables for the next day. I think I was almost as excited as they were.  

My kids behavior was amazing on our construction day.  They were engaged in activities that we have done before...but that they may have gotten off task with.

When the kids entered the room they saw these signs on the door.  

When the kids entered the room, they saw safety vests and hard hats at their lockers.  They were instructed to put them on right away.  We did our normal morning routines.  They did morning meeting and Writer's Workshop.  

I then led my kids through each center, telling them what they would be doing.

At this centers, there were posters that showed machines and tools and what each of them did.

Above each center, I had a sign with a number on it.  This helped them to know which one they needed to go to next.  If they started at 1, they went to 2.  If they started at 5, they went to 6.  It worked really well.

At one center, I had books out for kids to read.

At each center, I had a sign telling the kids what to do.  The kids used bolts and screws and worked on their fine motor skills, putting these together.  If I didn't have these, I would have used regular bolts and screws. 

 We used our light table to build letters and numbers.  If I didn't have these, I would have used Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners or play dough to make the letters and numbers.

When it was time for recess and lunch, we hung our hard hats and vests up.


 At this center kids built sentences.  They started with a green card and added a red card.  They then added a when and a where card.  Each sentence had a WHO, DID WHAT, WHEN and WHERE.  

At this center kids looked at the supplies that we had out.  They designed a house that they wanted to build and drew it.  They then built the house.  After they were done, they looked at their house to see if it worked the way that they hoped.  If it didn't, they made changes to it.  We used our STEM steps here.

 At this center, kids built CVC words.  We have done this many times in different ways but doing it on construction cards had them so engaged.

 Their favorite center was building a house out of graham crackers and frosting.  I wanted them to build bigger houses, but time got away from us and they had to make smaller ones.

We used a Jenga game to identify numbers.  When kids pulled out a block, they had to say the number on it and put it on top of the pile.  The expressions were priceless.

We used Legos and Lego cards to solve addition problems.  They did so well with this.  They recorded the equations on a recording sheet.

 At this center, kids built words with Scrabble pieces.  I had some Scrabble pieces printed out but had a parent send in a game, so we used that instead.

 During our break, one of my friends posted this on a local online garage sale site.  It was destined for me to see it right away.  I had my hubby pick it up for me.  This was a favorite spot for some of my kids.

I was pretty excited about this center.  I picked up some rocks and wrote all of our sight words on them with a silver sharpie.  I put them in our sensory table.  Kids scooped up rocks with an excavator and with dump trucks and put them in a pile.  They then recorded the sight words on their recording sheet.  I also made paper copies of rocks with sight words because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to find dark rocks.

 At this center, kids worked on subtraction equations.  They looked at the cards with the math problems on them and used rocks to solve them.  They recorded the equations on their sheets.

 We also worked on telling time.  These cards had sentences on them about a construction workers day.  They had to read the time on the clock.

Our day was a blast.  I could have done this every day during the week, but we had other fun activities planned.  I thought about using this for our A to Z countdown to summer.  I'd maybe add it to our "C" day.  

You can find the activity cards and posters HERE.

I hope you have a wonderful week!


  1. Where did you get the hats and vests?! What a fun day!

    1. Hi Kristen, I got 5 vests from Ikea. I wanted enough for the class, so I asked someone who worked at a construction company in our town. They borrowed me enough for the rest of the class. I got the hats on Amazon. :)

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