Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Planting Seeds/Beans

It's currently 57 degrees here and BEAUTIFUL outside.  Tomorrow is going to be 68 degrees.  I love this springlike weather and hope it stays.  We are bound to get one more huge snowstorm before the nice weather is here to stay.  In order to prepare for spring, we started our planting unit at school.  I usually wait until the beginning of April to do this, but I never have plants or flowers growing by Mother's Day.  I decided to start earlier this year.  We'll see what happens.
We started the day by reading some pages of the book Seeds.  We picked out key words from the pages, came up with motions to remember the key words and then wrote them in sentences.  We sorted the sentences into an anchor chart.  We'll revisit the book tomorrow and add to our chart.

After reading the book, we each looked at a Lima Bean with a magnifying glass.  We talked with the people at our table about what it looked like.

We then filled out a sheet with our observations.

 When we were done writing our observations, I put some Lima Beans in water.  I told the kids that we would look at them after they got back from recess and lunch.

 We broke up the wet Lima Beans and compared them to the dry ones.  We looked at them with a magnifying glass again.  This time we noticed some things looked different.

 We wrote about the differences that we saw in the two seeds.

 We then took pictures with our iPads.  We added these to our Seesaw journal.  We also made a video with our camera.  We will be using this to make an iMovie as our seed changes.

 Using Seesaw, we took a picture of our bean and used the draw and record features.  We wrote day 1 over our picture and recorded ourselves talking about what we noticed with the bean.

 We  then watched The Magic School Bus Gets Planted.

 Our beans went into a Greenhouse for us to observe over the next couple of weeks.

We are excited to see what grows from the seeds.  We'll add water to the paper towel as needed. Tomorrow we'll plant some more seeds.  


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  2. Great work!The children learned to do a lot of things. They compared, made notes, took pictures and finally got a good result of their work. Excellent!

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