Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Whew!!!  Today was a busy day!  It was an exciting day in our classroom.  The chicken eggs arrived and we put them in the incubator.  We are now counting down 21 days for their arrival.  They can hardly contain themselves.  Today we read the story Chicken Chuck.  It was about a chicken who ate a blue seed and sprouted a blue feather at the top of his head.  He thought he was special and became quite bossy.  We talked about the CH blend and listened for CH words in the story.  We then pretended that we sprouted a blue feather and made a self portrait.  They turned out super cute.  After making our self portraits we wrote about why we were special. They turned out super cute.  When my sister (who is an art teacher) came to drop off the chicken eggs she saw them and said they were pretty cool.  She asked if they made them in art class...and they said, "NO!"  If you can't tell...I am pretty impressed with myself...I have no artist talent what-so-ever.  Here is how they turned out.

Tomorrow we will read Chicky, Chicky, Chook, Chook and do the following activities. 

We also started our Chick Math and Literacy Centers today.  The kids worked on the H blends one today.    You can get that here.


  1. YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!! ~ I hope you will play. Come on over to my blog to find out what to do next.

    First Grade Delight

  2. I just found your blog. It has so many great ideas. I'm your newest follower!


    First Impressions

  3. Oh how I wish I had the money to buy an incubator! One of the other classes in my school are so I guess my class and I will have to live vicariously through them!

    I love the Chicken Chuck activity! I am going to do that with my students later this week (since the 3rd grade chicks are supposed to hatch on Thursday!)

    I am your newest follower and would love for you to stop by my blog if you have the chance!


  4. Sarah,
    Thanks for your response! I LOVE our chick unit. I was fortunate enough to get a grant to purchase an incubator for my classroom. The chicks hatched this week and the kids were soooo excited! :) I love your blog too! ;)
