Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Giveaway For My Amazing Followers!!

I can't believe how fast the last two weeks have been flying!  I feel like summer is goes by faster and faster every year.  I am still lucky enough to be on summer vacation.  I hope the rest of you that went back to school are enjoying and surviving your first weeks of school.  I have had every intent on doing a few blog posts in the last few weeks, but lots of things have been happening around me.

We'll start with last week.  A while ago I posted that my parents were going to be losing all their trees.  There is a project called Capx2020 that effected my parents.  Basically they lost a big chunk of their land to eminent domain.  Power lines are being put up on their property.  My parents have lived in their home for 40+ years and planted tons of trees.  All the ones in their front yard got cut down during the last two weeks.  All their shade and privacy is gone.  
 This is my parents front yard before.  All these trees were cut down.

 These were the remaining two trees on the day that I was there.  You can see their neighbor's house across the road  now.  You can also see the road and feel the wind.  The trees pictured here are gone too.  I felt bad watching them cut down some of the trees.  They spent years and years planting and taking care of the trees and they are all gone.

 You can see all the stumps of the trees that were cut down.  The trees you can see on the left are gone now too.

On Saturday I participated in The Dirty Girl Mud Run 5K!  It was soooo much fun!  If you have not done a mud run, I would highly recommend it!!!
 Me and my boys before the race.

 My girfriends that I ran with!  They kept me going!

 Us after the race.

Me and Kate.  Kate was my son's third grade teacher last year.  She is a great friend and co-worker. I have never seen someone with the amount of energy that she had!  Wow!!!  

Me and the boys after the race.  They wouldn't let me touch them.

This week has been busy too.  Our house was struck by lightening on Monday morning.  Luckily nothing was damaged (that we know of).  In addition to that, on the way to my son's class Monday morning, the brakes started to go out on my car.  I was happy that it happened now instead of when school starts at the end of August.   Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I ended up taking my sister to the ER on Monday night.  She's been dealing with a pesky kidney stone.  She was in so much pain and was admitted to spend the night.  I have never seen her sweat so much!   They say the pain is comparable to having a baby.  After seeing her suffer through the pain, I believe it!  

Finally the whole reason for this post, I wanted to announce a Giveaway that I am doing!  I reached 100+ followers on my blog, 200+ on bloglovin and 150+ on Teachers Pay Teachers.  In order to celebrate, I am having a Giveaway as a  thank you to all my supporters.  You have given me so much encouragement and so many wonderful ideas.  Thank you!!!!

Seven lucky winners will win the one of the following items plus your choice of anything from my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  I will also pick a winner to choose 2 items from my TPT store.

 1.  Mr. Sketch Markers:  Who doesn't love smelly markers?

 2.  I love playing music in my classroom!  Hopefully you'll be able to find some music for your classroom too.

 3.   You'll be able to give awards to students for whatever you choose.

 4.  Praise cards.

 5.  Thank you cards.

 6.  A chevron mug.

7.  A chevron Infinity scarf.

Good luck.  You may enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. LOVE your blog (and instagram!) I think the Chevron scarf or water bottle is adorable! And, who doesn't want some free TPT stuff?? Thanks for the great giveaway!

  2. I would love the Fluency Phrases! Fluency is a goal for practically ALL of my kiddos!

  3. i would love Bubble Day: End of the Year Activities. It looks like so much fun!

  4. Hi Sara! I have been following you on Instagram all summer. Now I'm following your store and blog too! I would love to have the back to school classroom responses activity. Thanks for such a fun giveaway as we get ready to go back to school!


    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  5. I would love the Fact Family Puzzles! I started following you on Instagram this summer, and now I'm following your blog and TpT store! Congrats on 100 followers.
    A Day in First Grade

  6. Congrats! I would love either your fluency packet or your back to school packet!

  7. Congrats!!! I love all of it. Anything for my curators!!! Love your blog & I follow you on Instagram!!

  8. Such an exciting giveaway! I would love the Bus Safety pack from your store. I feel there are never enough good resources for bus safety out there.

  9. I would love the Fire Safety pack from your store! It looks awesome!

  10. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I would love to win any of the items! I am interested in your Kindergarten Common core.

  11. I would love your Number Sense: 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less.

  12. I would love the Chicks Math and Literacy Centers!

  13. Hey girl! I would love your Bubble Day pack. We have a bubble day at the end of the year and it would be perfect!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  14. Bubble day pack!!

    Crystal Shepherd
    Lamppost in a STEM classroom

  15. Everything looks so fun in your store and thank you for offering a lot of freebies! The

  16. I would love the First weeks of school using classroom responsive ideas.

  17. Congratulations! I would like to win Number Sense: 10 more, 10 less...
    Thank you!

  18. I would love the St. Patricks literacy and math centers! Look great!
    Julene Hoffman

  19. I would love to win the Common Core Standards * Record of Activities Taught * First Grade. This is exactly what I need to get started.

  20. Bubble Day pack or Bus Safety! :)
    My Kindergarten Kids

  21. I don't know you have so many! I think I would go with the bubble day pack as well or your classroom label pack!

  22. Congratulations on your success! It's so exciting!!

  23. I would love Common Core Standards * Record of Activities Taught * First Grade from your store!

  24. I love your Common Core Standards and the Bubble Day pack.

  25. I am so sorry your parents lost their trees. Government/businesses never think of the people who live in these houses for years then boom they taken them over or part of their property. Several years ago the city next to ours all the homes for several miles that bordered the expressway were forced to leave their homes because of eminent domain. It was sad as there was some beautiful homesteads.

  26. I think your responsive classroom unit looks great! The mud run looks so fun, too!
    Teaching With Style

  27. Thank you for the giveaway! I would LOVE to win either the bubble day pack or watermelon pack...they would be so perfect for the end of the year!

    Crazy Daze in First Grade

  28. Great Giveaway! :)
    I would love to win---The First Weeks of School: Using Responsive Classroom Ideas!

  29. What a great giveaway! I would love to win any of the End of School Days theme activities. Those look like so much fun!

    Millers Science Space

  30. I would choose any of your CVC packets.

  31. Hi Sara,
    You are so creative. I would love anything you want to give away to me. I have to check out your TPT site...but anything Cowboy themed or any of the above prizes would be grand!
    Pattie Hansmann
