Saturday, August 11, 2012

You're Finally Here!

I can't believe summer is almost over and we are about to start school again!  Last week I did my first 5K!  I took part in the Dirty Girl Mud Run!  It was soooo much fun!  I will be doing another one on September 1st, called The Glo Run!  It's at night and we will be wearing glow in the dark t-shirts.  I think I might actually like running!

These past few days I have started to prepare for school.  One of the first activities that I am going to do is read the book, You're Finally Here! by Melanie Watt.   We will talk about how excited I am that the students are in my class and how we will have a fun year.  I will take each of their pictures and attach them to the frame I created.  I will hang them in the room for them to see and be reminded of how special they are!  I am excited for school to start and to meet my new kiddos.

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