Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sight Word Fun

I hope you are all having a great Thanksgiving break.  I can't believe we only have 3 more weeks of school until Winter Break.  Yikes!  Time is flying so fast this year.

We have been really working hard to learn our sight words in kindergarten.  Our kids have to know 50 words by the end of the year.  To be honest, this scared me a lot.  After working with my kids and doing some Pinterest and blog searching, I found lots of ideas to try.  I found out about SnapWords and am so happy I did!  My kids know around 35-40 of their words already and it's not even Christmas!!  I was so happy with the sight word cards, I ordered the ABC ones to see if I could help a couple of my kids that are struggling to learn their letters and sounds.  The data below was after 1 week of using them.  We are now at week 4.  

I try to do some kind of activity every day with my kids.  I am loving the sight word books that Maria from Kinder-Craze does.  My kids LOVE them.  You can check out her books HERE.  I found a mini book for each of the sight words that we have to teach and bought them.  My kids do so well with them.  It takes about 15 minutes to do a book.  

I just completed my Bubble Gum Sight Word pack.  I have 50 words added to it right now...but will be adding 50+ more to the pack.  They will be 50% off through Sunday.  Then they will be marked 28% off for the TPT sale.  You can find it HERE.  These are samples of what you will find in the pack.  

I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend,  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Five for Friday Linky party *November 7*

Hi!  I hope you are all having a fantastic week!  

This year has been so crazy, busy for me!  We just ended my son's football season.  As fun as it was to watch him play, we are happy to have our weekends and 3 nights a week free again.  I am also adjusting to my new teaching position in kindergarten! I love it!  The last part of our classroom was finished today.  We now have blinds! Whew!  As if my life wasn't busy enough I started taking the last classes I needed to make some lane changes.   

To procrastinate a little more from doing report cards and from preparing for our upcoming conferences. I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her 5 for Friday linky party.  

1.  We ended the week by doing our "Coffee and the Newspaper" activity.  I told my kinder kids that they are learning to read this year and that this is a skill they will need for the rest of their lives.  We talked about all the places we'd need to read or that we would see words.  I told them that their parents probably read the newspaper in the morning.  We were going to pretend that we were adults and read the newspaper.  They had to look for the sight words that they have learned so far this year in the newspaper, cut them out and glue them to a sheet of paper.  To make it more fun, we were going to have "coffee" and donuts.  I brewed a pot of "coffee" in my coffee pot and put *hot chocolate* in cups.  They really thought they were drinking coffee.  Some caught on to me but played along.  :)  We also had donuts.  After about 30 minutes we cleaned up and the kids shared the words they found in the paper.  They were amazed that they knew some words.  

2.   Voting was a huge hit in our classroom this week.  The kids thought I was crazy when I asked what their name was and where they lived when they were checking in to get their ballot.  Oreo cookies and outside recess won in our election.

3.  I am sooooo in love with these SnapWord cards.  I can't believe I haven't heard about them prior to this year.  My kids are doing AMAZING with them.  We have only been using them for two weeks.  Most of my kinder kids know 15 words already!  AFTER ONE WEEK!!!  You can find out more about them HERE.  They are the best thing for my kiddos.  I have purchased set A and B and will get the rest when I can.

4.  I have been procrastinating in getting my work done for my classes.  It'll have to get done before the 30th.  I hope my kids and I are done getting sick.  I can't put this off any longer.  I read one book this week.  :)

5.  I finally have an Isokinetic disc for EVERY one of my kids.  I have had some sweet parents purchase some for my class and I finally splurged and got the rest.  You can find them here.

The kids sit on these and can wiggle in their seats.  They love them and I love them!!

I hope you have a great weekend!