Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Neglected Blog and a Giveaway!

Hi Friends! It's been sooo long since I have been on here.  Right now my hubby and I are in the midst of packing our whole house up to get ready to sell it.  We have TWO more days to get it done!!! YIKES!!! It's been crazy....we have 17 plus years of junk that we have collected.  I'll be good when it's done and over!  I feel bad for neglecting this blog...but I have been trying really hard to get to know all 22 of my kiddos and come up with plans that work for each of them so that they are successful and feel comfortable in school.  Things are going really smoothly right now.

I am going to post a few pictures of things that have happened since my last post...
 I finally bit the bullet and dumped tons of garbage schoolwork that I have been hanging onto.  We always save everything that the boys brought home from school.  Yesterday I went through closets and pulled out boxes and boxes of work.  I only saved art projects and writing samples (journals, essays, etc.)

 My son's last regular season football game.

 We have been practicing addition with dice.  The kids shake 2 dice and write an equation with the numbers on them.

 We learned how to do some of our centers.  This is always a favorite.  One child will find a word in the dictionary and tell it to their friend.  Their friend tries to spell it.  They then correct it together to see if it was right.

 My hubby and I went to a wedding. My mom tried  several times to get a picture with my phone...they were blurry and took lots of attempts.

 I got these wiggle discs for my kids.  I LOVE THEM!!!!  This was the first one I got.  I wish I had one for each kid in my class.  The kids have to focus as they balance to sit on them.  IT REALLY HELPS with their concentration.  I had a sweet mom from our class send my a gift card to get more!  I was surprised!  We now own 4 discs.  The kids love them.

 Some of my son's football games have had a lot of rain!

 Love this umbrella.  I am thinking it could double as a Halloween costume.  Add some eyes, streamers and ribbon and you've got a jellyfish!

 We made applesauce.

The kids each helped peel an apple.  They went into my roaster oven and 2 hours later we had applesauce.

 Spirit day at school...

 Love this book!

 The kids helped me label our bookshelves.  It's helped them take accountability and put books back in the correct spots.

 The kids picked out just right books for their individual book bins.

 My son wanted to learn how to make apple pies...so my mom helped him.

 We went to a scarecrow festival.  I loved all the Duck Dynasty scarecrows. This one was a fav!

 I have a lot of songs by Miss Jenny that I purchased.  The kids love singing them.  I use my Smart Board to project the words.

 My son's birthday. I was lucky that my prep fell during his lunch time so I stopped down and ate lunch with him and my hubby.

 We've had a couple birthdays.  My kids love writing the birthday child a letter.  This can be found in my Birthday Pack.

We love Tumblebooks!!!  We listen to a story during snack every day!  The kids love them.  I love that the words are on the screen so they can follow along.

We've done WAY more than the pics above....but that's a good start.  I hope after packing today...and getting things settled with our house...I'll be back to blogging soon.

The real reason I am here is because I wanted to share that Lisa is having a birthday!  Hop on over to her blog and check out her blog and her awesome giveaway!  Wish her a Happy Birthday in the comment section as well.  Her link is right below this picture!

I am off to trying to get the rest of my house packed!
Have a great day!