Monday, July 29, 2013

Best of the Midwest Give-Away Winner

I can't believe we are now going through the last days in July!  Summer has gone soooo fast.  Sometimes I feel like I have been so lazy.  We stay in our pj's all day.  Then I have a day like today...where everything is happening.  We had dentist appointments, football evaluations (I had to run and get my son padding, cleats, and other things only a dad would know details about), and a boat cruise!

We thought it was going to rain but the sky opened up and the sun peeked out!

It was a fun night to hang out with friends.

I love these Minnesota days where the weather is perfect and fun times are had with family and friends.

Today I also snuck in a quick trip to Office Max.  They have pencil pouches on sale for 1 penny.  I bought a class set!  I'll have to return the ones that I got from Target for 50 cents a piece.  You can't beat that.

I wanted to congratulate Robin B.  She is the winner of our Best from the Midwest give-away!  Congrats!  I also wanted to say thanks to Sara from Polka Dot Kinders for organizing the whole give-away.  I hope you were able to grab some fun freebies that you can use in your classrooms.

I am also excite that I hit 200 followers on Bloglovin'.  I will be announcing a give-away on Wednesday with prizes that you won't want to miss!  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Smorgasbord, A Freebie and Best of the Midwest Give-Away

Hi friends!  I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!  I am linking up with Michelle over at  Fabulous In First for her Sunday Smorgasbord linky party.  This post will have a few of the random happenings going on in my life!

#1.  We celebrated my mom's 70th birthday this weekend!  It's kind of a big deal too!  Last year my mom had a kidney transplant.  My cousin gave her a kidney and gave her a second chance at life!  Each day she is here is a blessing and she is able to live a normal life because of my sweet cousin.
 It was a beautiful night.  It reached 60 degrees (maybe).  I am loving this weather!

 My mom and dad.
 My family.

 Me and My Hubby.

 My boys with my mom.

#2.  I have really enjoyed shopping this past week!  I hit the jackpot with these deals that I found!  Every single thing in the pictures below was only 50 cents a piece!

 Who doesn't need a mini screw driver in their classroom?  It has 6 different attachments.

 Sticky notes 

 A duster.  My boys wanted one for home too!

 Invites.  I am going to be putting the kids pictures on these for display in my classroom.

 Little note cards.

 50 chalkboard print thank you cards.  I was jumping for joy with this find!

 More thank you cards.


 Positive Note Cards

 More cards.

 #3  I have been spending a lot of time with my boys this summer and we are having fun!  We stopped at Cheesecake Factory for dinner one night this weekend.
 My son has food allergies and really doesn't enjoy many desserts.  He said he was going to skip it.  I found this treat on the menu and surprised him with it!  His eyes got so big when we saw the HUGE bowl of strawberries!

 My son love the Hershey Bar cheesecake!

I was so happy with my avocado egg rolls! They are the best!

#4.  Many of you are going back to school soon! My kids don't come back until after Labor Day so I  still have some time to relax to get ready for school.  I created this freebie for you!  I feel like I am always cramming so much information onto one sheet of paper.  I also have lots of sheets with different info in different places. This year I am going to have my parents fill out this flip book with different information on each page.  I will keep each book in my students files.

#5.  Finally today is your last chance to grab some great freebies and sign up for our Best from the Midwest give-away!  
Hop on over to this post to find out how!  Good luck!! 
Have a great week!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Best of the Midwest!! Bloggy Hop/Give-away

Good morning friends!!  After meeting with my blogger friends from MN and WI, we decided that we would be doing a give-away.

School is just around the corner for many of you (or may have already started).  We decided that we are each going to give away something related to going back to school.

To start, I am going to share my freebie.  I LOVE Pete the Cat books.  I found this book and can't wait to use it in my classroom when our kids come back in September.

I created a pack with some fun activities that you will be able to use in your classroom.  There is a color matching, rhyming activity, graphing activitiy and sequencing avtivity in this pack.  I hope you find it useful.

 After reading the story, you will read the cards to the students and have them tell you what order the story happened in.

Kids will match rhyming words together.  There are 4 sets of rhyming words with 8 words in each set.

 They will complete the rhyming words worksheet.

 Kids will match the color word with the color of shoe that it matches.

 Kids will complete a graph according to what color of shoe they are wearing.

Kids will complete the following sheet.  They will color the shoes the same color as the color word in the box.

You can get your freebie by clicking on the link below.

Hop on over to my friend Anna's Blog to grab her freebie.

Don't forget to enter our Best from the Midwest Give-Away.  You can win these fabulous packs.

Enter to win below!  Have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway