Monday, December 3, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood

Wow!  I cannot believe it is December already!   I LOVE this month!  I have gotten almost all of my Christmas shopping done and can really concentrate on the fun at school now without being stressed at home about trying to get  it all done. 

This past weekend was a busy one for me!  My good camera broke so I ended up getting an early birthday and Christmas present for myself!  This is what I got for me!

It's a step up from my old camera and I can use all the same lens that I used before!  I am back in business of taking pictures in my classroom and at home.  I am excited about it!!!

This week is my birthday.  I will be saying good-bye to my 30's and hello to my 40's.  I hope my 40's are as much fun as my 30's were.  I was told I needed to wear cheaters last week, so I am not sure how to feel about all the new health ailments I will be experiencing!  I started my birthday week by eating at the Cheesecake Factory.  On Wednesday I will be going to Benihana's, Thursday I will be celebrating with friends and on Saturday my twin sister and I will be having a family birthday party!  Bring on the fun! :)

Over the weekend I also spent some time at a benefit for a little girl that goes to my school.  She is in 3rd grade and has  Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).   I was amazed at the turnout.  Not only were there tons of people there to support the family, but I got to have my picture taken with this guy!

Mike Delfino from Desperate Housewives was there and auctioned a lunch date with himself off.  They also raised money by having pictures taken with him.  It's a pretty crappy picture of me...but he looks amazing!!  :) 

On to our week at school....
This week we are going to be taking our First Graders to go see the play Little Red Riding Hood at Old Log Theater.  To prepare for seeing the play, we have been reading lots of different versions of Little Red Riding Hood.  Thank goodness I read ahead.  I had to change the words to this version...
Litte Red Riding Hood.  I am not sure I wanted to explain to my kiddos what wine was why she was bringing wine to her granny.  I just changed it to apple cider.  :)

We will be talking about characters in the story, the setting, events in the story, the problem and solution.  We will be reading each story and recording all of these things on a big grid.  We will talk about all the differences in each story.  Below you will find some freebies that you can use in your classroom if you would like.  Have a great week!

We will be reading several different versions of the book Little Red Riding Hood and then filling out this form.  We will talk about different story elements. 
You can get it here....Little Red Riding Hood 1

 I cut these pictures apart.  We then looked at the pictures and matched them with the words. 

You can get it here...
Finally, at the end of the week, I will be giving them this worksheet to see if they can match the picture/sentence with the story element.
You can get it here...
Have a great week!!!