Saturday, August 25, 2012

Where are we? Signs....

I created some signs tonight to put outside my room.  Hopefully this will help my first graders find us when we are out of the room and they are coming back from the nurse, coming to school late, or from an intervention, ELL or Speech class.  I will laminate the red sign and the pictures.  I will attach a piece of velcro to each one.  When we leave the room, I will have a helper add the picture that shows where we are.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

All About Us

Last year I shared an activity that I do with my families.  I have had requested for an edible version of it.  I am not sure how to do that?!?  So...I created a new cover....minus the dates and grade levels.  You can have your class name on it.  

Literacy Label with Girl

I have received a request for a Literacy Label with a girl on it.  I created a new one this morning for anyone who wants to use it.  Enjoy!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Labels, Labels, Labels

Tonight I have been working on making labels for all of the folders and notebooks that my first graders will be using this year.  I copy all of the labels onto pieces of full or half sheet label paper.  Once it is copied, I just peel the back and don't have to write the same label on EVERY single notebook or folder that I have.  I just have the kids write their name on the label!  I'm not sure why I didn't start doing this a long time ago. 

Every day my students do Writer's Workshop.  They have a folder that they keep all their drafts of stories and unfinished books in.  When it is time to do Writer's Workshop, I have them move their desks away from one another, take out their Writer's Workshop Folder and get to work.  I play piano music in the background while they are working.

Last year I started doing a daily math prompt.  The first 10 minutes of the day, students would get a daily math question, they would glue it in their math journals and they would answer it.  This year I am going to start doing this with Language Arts as well.  I found this idea from Anna Brantley at Crazy for First Grade.  You can see the idea here.  Anna Brantley.  This year I will be doing the Literacy ones that I found on her blog as well. You can find them here: Literacy Journal Prompts.  I did label my journals Language and Math.

Every day we do a morning meeting.  I have my kids share something that they did the night before or are excited about.  We then do a free writing for about 10 minutes.  At this time, I do not correct their work.  This is a time for them to use inventive spelling, spelling words that they are learning and just write.  I label these Writing Journals.

Finally I send blue Parent Communication Folders home with my kids daily.  In these I have paper.  I may write notes to parents in them or they might write notes to me.   I check these daily and send them home at night.

I hope that you can use some of these!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

You're Finally Here!

I can't believe summer is almost over and we are about to start school again!  Last week I did my first 5K!  I took part in the Dirty Girl Mud Run!  It was soooo much fun!  I will be doing another one on September 1st, called The Glo Run!  It's at night and we will be wearing glow in the dark t-shirts.  I think I might actually like running!

These past few days I have started to prepare for school.  One of the first activities that I am going to do is read the book, You're Finally Here! by Melanie Watt.   We will talk about how excited I am that the students are in my class and how we will have a fun year.  I will take each of their pictures and attach them to the frame I created.  I will hang them in the room for them to see and be reminded of how special they are!  I am excited for school to start and to meet my new kiddos.