Monday, August 29, 2011

Writer's Workshop Bin Labels

Today was officially my first day back at school.  After sitting through four hours of meetings this morning and working another four in my classroom, I still feel like I have a lot to do.  Today I spent some time creating some labels for different parts of my room.

Throughout the year my first graders write different kinds of books during Writer's Workshop.  I have them put completed books in a bin with their name on them.  At the end of the year, we celebrate our writing accomplishments during Author's Tea...where we read our best story.  Let's face it...most kiddos coming into first grade are barely writing.  By the end of the year they are creating books.  That's a lot to be proud of!!!

                                                          Click HERE to download labels

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Reality Finally Set In...

 I packed up my car...

 It was full!

 View as I entered my room...

 Everything in the corner...

Minor heart attack....

Looking to the right of my room...

My boys came and brought me McDonald's for lunch!  This really made me smile!!!

And a GIANT COOKIE.  I ate it all!!!!  The chocolate chips were the size of quarters!

All my laminating on the floor...

Another view....

Love my new sign!  Thanks to was free!

Labels on individual book bins for reading...

I had to take this picture of my trash.  It was proof to me...even though it didn't seem like it, I actually did get stuff done!

I couldn't avoid it any longer.  I finally went back to school to start setting up my classroom today.  We have workshops starting on Monday with time set aside to work in our classrooms...but let's face it, with me being a social person and with team meetings scheduled, I knew I would not get ANYTHING done in my room with other people in the morning. I packed up my car (with all the stuff I have been collecting and working on at home) and headed into school.  I was there from 9:30 - 6:15 p.m. or so.  I feel like I got nothing done and one of the reasons is because I have discovered the blogging world.  I feel like a brand new teacher because of all the ideas I have found on blogs that I follow.  I am soooo excited to start the new year!  I took some pictures of my room I started and as I walked out the door. I have sooo much left to do!  I'll post pictures later of my walls and areas of my class.  Monday is coming WAY to soon!